Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Should church music ministers “be volunteers” or “be hired”? (Mat 20:1)

The understanding of the status of music ministers in relation to their service to God is vital to their commitment. In some thoughts, sacrificial service to God involves one giving himself or herself voluntarily; I believe this should not be misunderstood as being willingly.
The kingdom of God indeed has no problem with persons been hired, as the parable in Mathew 20 shows us. Why then do some churches see it as inappropriate to hire music ministers? Maybe they don’t see the music ministers as persons that need to make a living through their gifting or could it be that they are simply taking off the responsibility from their part?
Most churches that are in need of music ministers are those that often times, need them as volunteers.  They put up advertisements looking for music ministers that would give their time and effort. This is one of the reasons they don’t find them. 
Hiring music ministers is a kingdom principle that would not only benefit the church but help the music minister realize he is needed and appreciated.
The music minister works with a sense of responsibility when they know much is required from them.
Though there are instances where the music minister would like to work from a willing perspective. It is good to understand those individuals while considering those that could and should be recruited as hired workers in the church.


  1. agree. It already been explained and wrote in Ron Kenoly book, God is Able.

  2. I think music ministers should be paid. That is how it is done at our church, both main campus and branch campus. I am however a volunteer in the band singing background vocals. it is important that churches realize how much the congregations gets out of worship. When I visit other churches that have an incredible worship experience I always want to come back. I love the feeling of connecting with God especially on a musical, spiritual level.

  3. The answer; neither!

    They should be supported as Levital priests serving the congregation
