
How to sing better
Watch what you eat. (If your voice is all you have, it needs to be taken care of)
Practice, practice and practice (There is no short cut to becoming a better musician)
Learn from very good singers by mimicking them to understand what they do.
Learn basic music theory. (It all starts from the theory)

How to play better-
Watch free youtube videos. (There are thousands of free lessons online)
Learn basic music theory (It would help in understanding basic musical concepts)
Practice a lot with other musicians.
Learn different styles and genres to have a wider understanding.

How to have a better choir or praise team-
Organize vocal trainings.(By inviting professionals)
Organize music retreats to know the singers and musicians abilities.
Remind them of how better they can become.

How to make the congregation respond to worship and praise-
Teach new songs before ministering them to avoid non-participation.
Watch the atmosphere and know when to change songs.
A powerful introduction may be required.( A call to worship)
Worship should be lead by individuals that are worshipers themselves.

Getting the musicians and singers to be committed and to be faithful.
They should be well taken cared of.
They should be taught leadership classes.
They should be part of the vision and ministry.

How to have a great sound in church
Buy good and affordable gadgets within your budget.
Hire the right people qualified for the job.
Train interested individuals.

How to last and be relevant in the ministry-
Stay humble
Be positive
Inspire other upcoming musicians,
Be a blessing.
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