Wednesday, February 27, 2013

7 qualities a musical director of a praise team or choir should not have.

Music director=Praise team/choir=Praise and Worship.
The musical director or choir director’s office is vital to the performance of any praise team or choir, consequently affecting the worship lifestyle and the spiritual atmosphere of any given church.
This requires a careful and prayerful selection when it comes to individuals that should fill in that position.  There are seven qualities, a music or choir director should not have.
- Immaturity- (Eccle 10:16) “Woe to the city whose king is a child”. There is always a big issue when a leader talks and thinks like a child.
- Unspiritual- Music for the church is a Spiritual act of worship and should be handled by qualified individuals that understand the way of the Spirit of God.
- Poor musical Understanding- (1 Chron 15:22) The office of the music or choir director should not be politically driven. Individuals with good understanding of music should be given a chance to work.
-  Busied Schedule- (Jam1:8) Being effective and unavailable usually makes the work slower and undesirable. It’s better to be effective and available.  
- Quick to Anger- Most directors need anger management classes because this is one of the silent reasons some members leave teams and choirs they would have been a blessing to.
- Personal Vision- The director needs to work within the confines of the bigger vision of the ministry. Problems usually occur when personal agenda’s are pursued. Such people should be avoided
- Smart Less-   A good music/choir director should have the experience or technical proficiency to know what to do in any given situation.
 Praise teams and Choirs need to be driven and handled by qualified individuals not individuals that believe they can just because they sing or play an instrument photo credit: Leo Reynolds via photopin cc
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What the anointing might not be! Cute looks, Great voice and Great playing.

 What really is the anointing when it comes to music ministrations?
Too often, an anointed individual is usually thought of as a person that displays excellence in what they do.
A quick judgment to that effect shows that whenever an emotional desire is satisfied it’s easily been mistaken as a spiritual manifestation.
The anointed has a couple of applications from the scripture.
1 John 9:11- when Jesus anointed the blind man’s eyes and told him to get it washed in the pool of Siloam.
2 John 12:3- Jesus feet were anointed by Mary. 
3 Acts 10:38- Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and with power.
I make reference to the anointing that comes from the Holy Ghost and with Power because music for the church is a spiritual exercise that is only effective when one is anointed.
 The essence of the anointing is to break bondages; set captives free during worship moments and provide an atmosphere of hope and healing.
Why do our worship services fall short of these experiences then? Too many music ministers spent a less time in understanding how to flow with the anointing and consequently minister without it. Another reason is that some churches just don’t seem to care they just want to be entertained and get excited. How sad!
Why do some churches put so much emphasis on non-spiritual factors when choosing or inviting a worship minister? I think we need to remind ourselves of what the calling demands.
There is a place of his presence that makes a difference beyond looking good and playing great. It’s called the ANOINTING!
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