Sunday, September 22, 2013

Recreating the 2 Chronicles 5:13 experience in your praise team and choir.

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; (2 Chronicles 5:13)

The second Chronicle experience has appeared to many as a fairy tale. How possible is it that a worship meeting can produce such a spectacle? Is it possible for the musicians and singers to sing as one? If it’s possible what does it mean?
What took place during that service is a demonstration of the manifest presence and glory of God. It showed a group of people that had a deeper understanding of how to touch the heavens with their worship.  Music and worship in our churches can be better if music ministers realize that the experience they church in 2 chronicles had during their time can be replicated.
 There are 3 possible factors that brought about such an experience;

1. Musical harmony- Singing and playing harmonically automatically produce pleasantness. Bad music (singing and playing wrong chords and scales) never appeals to anyone. I believe the levites and singers spent time to learn and know what they are supposed to do musically to sound “as one”.

2. Spiritual Harmony- Worship has always has a sacredness attached to it. The life of the worshiper has to go in line to with the word of God to have a response from heaven. When Spirituality is removed from worship it just becomes another musical adventure that leaves people excited and celebrating nothingness.

3. Inter-relational harmony- People love singing and playing with individuals they are comfortable with. The effectiveness of our worship is very dependent on our relationship to one another. (how much we love and forgive each other). Love and kindness towards one another sets people free and helps in the expression of our hearts to God. I bet the levites and singers were a family that loved each other.

We need to get our priorities right.
The healing, miracles and answers that most individuals seek today could be realized during worship if the music ministers learn how to yield their members unto God is one accord
How do you get the heavens to open in your life and ministry?

photo credit: Brian A Petersen via photopin cc

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

The music minister and church support Part 2

1 Chron 28:21 And, behold, the courses of the priests and the Levites, even they shall be with thee for all the service of the house of God: and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man, for any manner of service: also the princes and all the people will be wholly at thy commandment.

The willingness to serve (music ministry) in any position in a church usually comes with a commitment on the part of the individual serving.
 As I discussed in the part 1 of the music minister and church support, I looked at the expectations music ministers have in regards to the place where they serve.
Here I want to look at the corresponding attitudes that the music ministers are expected to live with.
The music minister serving in a church must learn to be responsible first to God, himself and to the ministry he or she serves.  One of the important things responsibility comes with is that it helps to create discipline.
 Any individual that does not want to be considered irresponsible should not make a commitment, because with the acceptance to serve comes responsibility.
There is a deep connection between the worship experience of a church and the support the music ministers (praise team or choir) put into it.
For music ministers I have observed and seen that there are individuals that are so anointed but unreliable and unavailable. On the other hand others are available but don’t have what it takes to get the job done.

1-    Excited when it’s time to go to go to church.- The excitement to want to go for rehearsal and subsequently worship services reflects a love and passion.
2-    You don’t complain or talk about your praise team or choir- There would never be perfect situations anywhere, issues in praise teams and choirs are best handled through dialogue and prayers.
3-     Living the life the calling of God demands- The music ministry is a MINISTRY involved in the worship of God. Living the called life is of a great necessity.
4-    Working hard at your craft- The music ministry requires a degree of perfection, be it in singing, playing and writing.
5-    You don’t have a competitive attitude against other members of your team.- Competition always leads to strive and envy. It does not matter who does the job. God takes the glory.
6-    Making a commitment to one’s self and God to put in your best while you serve there.- when an individual proposes in his/her heart, much is achieved.

4 signs that show a music minister is not supporting his/her church.

The opposite of all that I listed above serve as signs that a music minister is not supporting the ministry in which he/she is active.
I would to add an additional four points that I did not discuss in the above support signs.
1-    Making comparison of your church with another- This usually leaves the complainer unsatisfied and developing wondering thoughts. All churches cannot be the same. They differ in Grace.
2-    Always shows up late for rehearsals and worship service and gives excuses as to why.- Consistent lateness is a sign for little or no regards to what is happening.
3-    A music minister shows up in rehearsal or church only when he/she has a role to perform (sing or play)- Not wanting to give a supporting role.
4-    When his/her service is not done as unto God but man- Once commitment is established, our service unto God must come from a conviction that knows God deserves the glory and rewards diligently.  There would be no need to impress any Pastor or church leader.

What are your thoughts about this?

Monday, June 10, 2013

The music minister and church support. Part 1

My friend Mike just released his new worship CD and wanted to have a free worship event. He got in touch with his pastor and told him about it and the pastor told him the church should be able to support him both financially and otherwise. Two weeks to the event he got a message that the church was not in a position to support him because they don’t have funds for such endeavors. He was left to his fate and quite devastated. The event still held.
This may be a familiar experience or scenario to what somebody or you may have gone through. It seems, the support the music minister needs is not readily available from the church coupled with the fact, that’s where his primary place of assignment is.
 What would have been the appropriate response the church should have offered? Are churches turning away from lending a helping hand to their music ministers?
The music ministry is a calling that is part of the great commission and not just a time in a worship service where songs of adoration to God are sung.
The church has to come to realization that the music minister has a ministry that is of a larger dimension to the four corners of the church walls.
The need to support the music minister now becomes worth considering.

What the music minister can do to effectively live in his/her calling.
1.     Study to show him or herself approved- By understanding what God’s calling (ministry) on his/her life is all about. (2 Tim 2:15).
2.     Pray, plan and organize worship meetings if possible outside the normal Sunday services. With the supervision of a pastoral head if need be.
3.     Work on their art and craft by releasing worship albums, which glorifies God and edifies the people. This would get them invited as guest ministers and can also be a good leverage. Invest in your spirit, soul and body.
4.     Make good effort to network with other credible worshipers. Iron would definitely sharpen another iron.

What the music minister should watch out for.
1.     The temptation of praising himself through self glorifying songs that often come in the form of testimonies- Some people usually fall into the temptation of talking about the material possessions they have through their songs in the name of thanking God but we all know it’s not always so. (1 Jhn 2:16)
2.     Church leaders that usually put restriction on their music ministers in terms of where they can go to minister and how they should use their ministry. This is often because they want to keep them stuck in one place.(Gal 5:1)
3.     Open doors that are traps in disguise. Some opportunities are not what they seem. God’s direction and leading saves the day. Don’t be too quick to rush out and be heard or seen.(Exd 5:9)
4.     Feeling of unworthiness, which robs the music minister of the boldness and strength they need to minister effectively. 
What really defines the limit to which a music minister can operate or aspire to?
Are music ministers designed to function in a particular denomination alone? And how would a music minister prepare for the calling of God on his/her life? What are your opinions?
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Do's and don'ts in recruiting praise team and choir members.

Being effective in a job or duty has everything to do with having the needed qualification to perform. In Churches, a great deal of what happens during worship in regards to the praise team or choir basically starts from the recruiting process. In building of the temple in the Book of Chronicles, much emphasis was given on skill and a history of musical tradition, which shows the ability of the musicians to perform or carry out the duty.(2 Chron 34:12, 1 Chron 25:7, 26:8).
I know, some of us have heard of the saying “God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called”. There are professions that would not permit half-baked individuals to be at the helm of affairs. Like piloting a plane or performing a surgery just to mention a few.
What makes the music ministry require much scrutiny in recruiting membership is the physical and spiritual role it plays in people’s lives.
In as much opportunity should be provided for training the basic requirements that fulfills qualification should not be ignored.
Amazing worship services are usually those that have the manifest presence of God’s Spirit. 
Having a wonderful praise team or choir to usher in the congregation to worship should definitely be the desire of any worship meeting.

5 questions never to ask while recruiting praise team or choir members

1.     Have you ever sinned before? – Some have gone to ask when the individual did what and with whom? We all have sinned and were sinners saved by grace. It should not be about the person’s past but where the person is and steps taken to live the life God have called us.
2.     Do you have an album or performed in a major concert? - Albums are not good measurement of a person’s ability. There are many songwriters that don’t have an album.
3.     Do you obey authority or your leader? The answer would always be a yes because they want to join the group.
4.     Can you play or sing and get people shouting, jumping, clapping and screaming?- A genuine desire to want to be a blessing should be looked for instead.
5.     We make monthly donations of $50 hope you can pay that?  For reasons best known to conscience, that’s not a good welcome note. It makes the new comer feel his/her money is needed first.

6 questions to ask-

1.     Do you have other commitments elsewhere? Most issues come from commitments because most musicians get themselves involved with more than one group.
2.     Are you single or married?- This helps in knowing how to handle issues involving relationships.
3.     What do you plan to achieve or contribute?- The individual must come in with a goal In mind either that of wanting to improve or contribute.
4.     Have you participated in any praise team or choir prior to desiring to join us?-This would help in determining the experience level of the individual.
5.      Do you have an understanding of what it means to minister through music?- The whole concept of music in the church is ministering the gospel of Christ.
6.      Are you born again?

These are some questions in addition to many that I believe would help in acquiring and preparing worshipers for the task ahead of them.
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