Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Best Music style for worship.

Musical styles and song styles are basically mediums through which worship is expressed to God not necessarily the objects to be worshiped. The effectiveness of the worship is not primarily on the style but on the connection of the worshiper to who he/she is worshipping.
If God accepts it then it is appropriate.
Roms 12:2 says: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Most of the time, arguments as to whether a style is good for the church or not just keeps the people of God in a fruitless debate.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Just play it.

Play what you love
Love what you play

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

5 Reasons why your congregation does not respond to worship

The worship moment or experience is supposed to be a spontaneous interaction between the praise team and the congregation. There are factors that make it extremely difficult for the congregation to keep up with the worship moments.
1.     Unfamiliar new songs- Most worship leaders are sometimes tempted to sing every new song that they feel is good to them without considering the popularity of the song. This I have noticed makes a lot of congregations stand still, sit down or even sleep off during worship.
2.     Questionable character of the worship leader- The worship leader must maintain a good reputation before God and man. Since he/she stands before the people of God and lead them into worship.
3.     Bad sound or acoustics- Sound churches have very gigantic buildings with very poor sound system or acoustics and the congregation find it hard to hear what the worship leader is singing. This definitely would not encourage anyone to participate.
4.     Nonspiritual songs- These are songs that do not have strong scriptural backing. They were composed or written by writers that just wanted to have some lyrics into a beat.
5.     Absence of the presence of Spirit of God- The presence of God breaks every yolk, creates an atmosphere for worship and reveals the mind of God during worship.
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How many songs should be sang during a praise and worship session?

Should the number of songs performed determine the quality of a praise and worship experience? or the efficacy of the songs performed? This basically brings up the issue if it’s the quality or the quantity of song that really matters.
The whole essence of leading people to God during a worship service is to get them to that place in which the presence of God saturates the atmosphere and people begin to get refreshed, filled and healed in God’s presence. The important factor for the worship leader to consider is what song could lead him/her to that point or place in worship? and not necessarily trying to cover all the songs on the list that have been practiced and must be performed.
I have participated in worship meetings where our song plan was changed because we could not continue with the rest of the songs we had earlier planned. We just yielded ourselves to the Spirit of God and allowed him to take over.
I know this might not be a familiar experience because most of our worship services are programmed to finish at certain time limit. This sometimes puts some pressure on the worship leader to sing as much songs as he can and not really pay so much attention to the leading of the spirit.
 Spontaneous spirit lead song (usually in the form of a chant or a repetitive phrase) could sometime erupt out of a worship service and could take the worship to another new dimension in the Spirit.
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