Monday, December 3, 2012

“Integrity test” for the office of the Levites and Singers (1 Tim 3 1-10).

The music ministers are also known as the Levites and singers in the Old Testament.
The calling of God has demands that must be met. The book of Titus talks about the qualifications required to be accepted in the office of the Bishop and deacon. Interestingly the Levites and Singers were designed by God to function from an Office perspective. (1 Chron 6:32).
I believe it is a Divine Order for Music ministers to know what it means to be prepared for the assignment that God has placed in their hands. Those that know that, go beyond the music to a life well ordered by the word of God.
Someone may ask, can a repentant individual with an unfavorable past perform or answer the call of God? Yes. The grace and mercy of God cleanse us from all unrighteousness and it would be good if we don’t go back to the lives we lived before God called us. (1 Jhn 1:9)

4 Reasons for Integrity test for music ministers

1- It keeps the music minister from being despised- (1 Tim 4:12). The music minister would be able to reach out to a large group of people without the fear of being ignored. People would be willing to receive whatever message is being delivered through their music.
2- It reminds us of God's calling and election- (2 Pet 1:10) A consciousness of the calling of God on an individual’s life is suppose to create an awareness that should always remind the individual of who he/she is.
3- The church would be blessed and Souls brought into the saving knowledge and power of God- God inhabits the praises of his people and how easy that is when the worshipers have a right standing with God.
4- We are ministers of God (2 Cor 6:4) Yes that is true. Sometimes it so easy to forget that the music minister is a MINISTER of the gospel and so much is required from us, even as so much is required from the Preachers, Apostles and Prophets.

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