Saturday, June 29, 2013

The music minister and church support Part 2

1 Chron 28:21 And, behold, the courses of the priests and the Levites, even they shall be with thee for all the service of the house of God: and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man, for any manner of service: also the princes and all the people will be wholly at thy commandment.

The willingness to serve (music ministry) in any position in a church usually comes with a commitment on the part of the individual serving.
 As I discussed in the part 1 of the music minister and church support, I looked at the expectations music ministers have in regards to the place where they serve.
Here I want to look at the corresponding attitudes that the music ministers are expected to live with.
The music minister serving in a church must learn to be responsible first to God, himself and to the ministry he or she serves.  One of the important things responsibility comes with is that it helps to create discipline.
 Any individual that does not want to be considered irresponsible should not make a commitment, because with the acceptance to serve comes responsibility.
There is a deep connection between the worship experience of a church and the support the music ministers (praise team or choir) put into it.
For music ministers I have observed and seen that there are individuals that are so anointed but unreliable and unavailable. On the other hand others are available but don’t have what it takes to get the job done.

1-    Excited when it’s time to go to go to church.- The excitement to want to go for rehearsal and subsequently worship services reflects a love and passion.
2-    You don’t complain or talk about your praise team or choir- There would never be perfect situations anywhere, issues in praise teams and choirs are best handled through dialogue and prayers.
3-     Living the life the calling of God demands- The music ministry is a MINISTRY involved in the worship of God. Living the called life is of a great necessity.
4-    Working hard at your craft- The music ministry requires a degree of perfection, be it in singing, playing and writing.
5-    You don’t have a competitive attitude against other members of your team.- Competition always leads to strive and envy. It does not matter who does the job. God takes the glory.
6-    Making a commitment to one’s self and God to put in your best while you serve there.- when an individual proposes in his/her heart, much is achieved.

4 signs that show a music minister is not supporting his/her church.

The opposite of all that I listed above serve as signs that a music minister is not supporting the ministry in which he/she is active.
I would to add an additional four points that I did not discuss in the above support signs.
1-    Making comparison of your church with another- This usually leaves the complainer unsatisfied and developing wondering thoughts. All churches cannot be the same. They differ in Grace.
2-    Always shows up late for rehearsals and worship service and gives excuses as to why.- Consistent lateness is a sign for little or no regards to what is happening.
3-    A music minister shows up in rehearsal or church only when he/she has a role to perform (sing or play)- Not wanting to give a supporting role.
4-    When his/her service is not done as unto God but man- Once commitment is established, our service unto God must come from a conviction that knows God deserves the glory and rewards diligently.  There would be no need to impress any Pastor or church leader.

What are your thoughts about this?


  1. Believe it or not - the Levite ministry doesn't exist outside of Judism. I'm not one that doesn't believe in worshiping and praising God with instruments and singing - however I'm one that has taken part, led, and pastored over such "ministries". It tends to breed an air of elitism, and weakens congregational worship.

    What some of our brethern in the body have done is to call this special music and some have called it entertainment...and that's not a sinful word at all. Providing believers with willful, and skillful entertainment is a good thing - its when we think that it's worship that we get into trouble. I love all of your signs - but if we were more simple - let believer exercise their gifts and not elevate everything to a level of "leadership" - individuals would learn to recongnize the very presence of Christ Himself on a daily basis.

    As we come together to express our true worship (our lives) with singing, dancing, and praise (expressions) we wouldn't need these rules or signs, individuals would be accountable to the Lord as well as each other...but that's in a perfect world right ;)

    1. Thank you for your contribution.As you have pointed out there is a need for genuine expression of our gifts and talents in worshiping God. I believe problems usually arise when the individuals involved are not totally committed to their place of assignment.Understanding responsibility helps a lot in making the worship experiences meaningful.

    2. I am a leader and worshipper of God by my called relationship with him. I love Prerich45's insight I have seen worship leaders develop an air of entitlement and elitism usually stemming from the pride of life and our churches exalting the gift and not the giver of gifts. This exaltation in worship leaders often creates I have been a teacher and believer that the ultimate true worship you can present to God is a "Lifestyle of Worship", presenting your bodies a living sacrifice! Our corporate experience is just expressions of our worship.
