Worship as a lifestyle and worship as an obligation (duty)
are two distinct but closely related attributes. Music in the church is an act
of worship unto God in which the worshiper lifts up his/her heart, voice and
body as a sacrifice (Rom 12:1).
A worshiper is naturally expected to live a life driven by
worship. A worshiper that leads people into worship is also expected to
understand the dynamics of worship, now I am not making reference to the art
form, but the life (Spirit) in it.
I have been to various churches where the praise team has
individuals that really want to serve God through worship by being in the
praise team of choir, but those individuals are really having a hard time
coming to terms with the fact that singing or playing might not just be their
gifting and calling.
This has created a situation where there are two kinds of music ministers or
1- Those that have a heart for worship and want to serve God
through singing and playing instruments, but cannot due to a poor sound
interpretation skill and a poor rhythmic feel.
2-Those that are gifted and interested in performing (singing
and playing), but careless about the lifestyle that worship demands.
In both situation hope cannot and should not be
I believe that training is necessary for worshipers because
it introduces them to the concept of worship in understanding that excellence
is required, commitment cannot be overlooked, and living the worship lifestyle
makes the worship experience worthwhile.
What should be done to
encourage proper and effective training for worshipers?
1.Genuine interest in the life of those involved with
worship from the church or leaders of the praise team or choir- They should not
be seen as hirelings or the church’s property.
2. A proper evaluation system which examines the
effectiveness of the ministration of the praise team or choir: Song
effectiveness can be known through testimonies.
3. Musical training should be taken seriously by inviting
musical professionals: Bad music during worship waters down the effectiveness
of any ministration.
What has been your experience with training for worship team
or choir members?